2012年1月30日 星期一

文章分享: 喜樂(吳漢斯(Hans R. Waldvogel) 牧師)

◎We will never rejoice as God wants us to rejoice until we repent of our dumping and shadows
◎To delight myself in the Lord is a way of real crucifixion.
◎Joy is an element of faith. It is a victory over Satan and all his hordes.
◎The prayer of faith is to be anxious for nothing and to be full of joy.
◎Faith will compel you to rejoice and praise.
◎When you are in a dump, you are barring the door for God to come.
◎"Casting all your care upon Him" -- sometimes we have to labor over it. Sometimes for two or three days I say, "I refuse this fog and I will have the joy of the Lord."
◎Anyone who has the Fountain within cannot help but rejoice.
◎The happiest people in the world are the cross- bearers.
◎Nothing is so beautifying as the joy of the Lord.
- Hans R. Waldvogel
"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice." Phil.4:4 (A.V.)

